Our worship could best be described as ‘covenant fellowship’ between God and His people. God speaks to us through the reading and preaching of His Word and through the administration of the sacraments (Holy Baptism and Holy Supper). We respond with our psalms and hymns, with our prayers, and with our offerings.
Public Confession of our dependence upon God with Psalm 124:8
Salutation (Greeting) from 1 Corinthians 1:3 or Revelation 1:4-5a
Congregational Singing
AM: The Ten Words of God’s Covenant from Exodus 20:2-17 or Deuteronomy 5:6-21
PM: Profession of Faith (usually singing the Apostles Creed or reciting the Nicene Creed)
Congregational Singing
Administration of Baptism if requested
Prayer (with confession of sins, prayer for forgiveness, renewal and illumination, and intercessions)
Offertory (the giving of alms)
Congregational Singing
Reading of Holy Scripture (relating to the sermon)
Reading of Text
AM: The sermon is textual, based on a particular text of Scripture
PM: The sermon is thematic, based on Scriptural themes as confessed in the Heidelberg Catechism.
Ministry of the Word (In most services, the word of God is audibly preached. But on the third Sunday of every second month the Lord’s Supper is celebrated in the morning service).
Congregational Singing
Congregational Singing
Benediction (Blessing) from Numbers 6:24-26 or 2 Corinthians 13:14
For our congregational singing we use the Book of Praise, Anglo-Genevan Psalter developed by the Canadian Reformed Churches which contains a rhyming of all 150 Psalms set to the Genevan tunes which have been associated with Reformed worship since the time of the Great Reformation. The Book of Praise also contains scripturally based hymns set to a diverse selection of tunes.